Telouet: rural teachers

Powerpoint presentations (in .pdf format).  Telouet 1 covers the overview of reflexive prose and digital storytelling.


Telouet 2 mostly shows screenshots to help guide participants through the steps of using iPods to record voiceovers and integrate photos with voiceover.

ipod.francais (new and improved)

Telouet handout is another .pdf which gives more detail about the steps of using iPods for digital storytelling.

Telouet handout

The two sample stories I used with this workshop are included below.  The first was my response to the day of visiting schools in Telouet; the second was a story I wrote about my son, which I translated into French for the workshop.

Les enseignants de Telouet

Small boy in woods (French)
(The opening video is still in English, as is the title, but the bulk of the piece is in French.)

I think it’s very important to provide sample stories that respond in some way to the needs and interests of the participants.  The sample stories can demonstrate technical possibilities; more importantly, they demonstrate respect for the group and the challenges they face.  But it’s a lot of work to create a story specifically for a workshop–and there’s a chance you’ll “get it wrong,” misunderstanding  or misrepresenting important elements of people’s experience.

(With my story about visiting the schools, for instance, one of the teachers thought my message was, “Keep making do with what you have,” which was not really the effect I was aiming for.  Luckily, other teachers saw my intended message of respect for their work and their commitment to their students–and the conversation about the message was a useful one.)